- Roche Taqman 48 Workshop, Antalya- Turkey, 4-8 Juin 2004.
- Simsek F, Yalciner A, Çiftçi U, Dağdemir A, Laleli Y.
- The Role of Anti HCV and HCV RNA PCR in Diagnosis of Hepatit C Virus İnfection 41st Meeting of Turkish Microbololgy, Kuşadası-Turkey, 19-23 September 2004 (poster)
- Dolek B, Kesim Eroglu B, Gultekin G, Dagdemir A, Eraslan S, Eroglu S, Karatas G, Laleli Y.
- Prenatal Diagnosis in Turkish Patients on Chromosomes 21, 18, 13 and XY with Quantitative Flourescent PCR Methods.
- European Society of Human Genetics, Amsterdam – Holland 6-9 May 2006 (poster).
- CELLSEARCH™ SYSTEM Workshop Strasbourg-France, 29 May-2 June 2007.
- Eroğlu Kesim B., Kagnıcı O., Karatas G., Güz Eroğlu S., Dagdemir A., Eraslan S., Laleli Y.
- Comparıson of Mutation Screennıg Assays on Mefv Gene in Turkısh FMF Patients European Society of Human Genetics, Barcellona-Spain, 29 May-3 June 2008 (poster).
- Kesim Eroglu B, Dagdemir A, Karatas G, Dolek B Eraslan S, Eroglu S, Gultekin G,Laleli Y.
- Prenatal Diagnosis in Turkish Patients on Chromosomes 21, 18, 13 and XY with Quantitative Flourescent PCR Methods.
- Second congre of Southeast Europen Society of Perinotent Medicine, Istanbul-Turkey, 31October-3November 2007 (poster).
- Mentioned in Acknowledgements in the Meeting of Clinical Biochemistry, Duzen Laboratories, Ankara/Turkey – October 2005 in below seminars:
- Serpil Eraslan – ‘The Molecular Basis of Beta Thalassemia in Turkish Population’
- ‘The Molecular Basis of Familial Mediterenian Fever in Turkish Population’
- Belgin Eroglu Kesim – ‘Tests for Prenatal and Postnatal Diagnosis’
- 1ère Cerificate en Médecine Prédictive & Médecine Personalisée, Aplication pour la Pharmacogénétique, April 15-17, 2011, Université Yeditepe, Istanbul, Turquie (http://www.personalmedicineistanbul.org/)
- 2éme Cerificate en Médecine Prédictive & Médecine Personalisée, Aplication pour la Pharmacogénétique, Septembre 13-16, 2012 Université Anadolu, Eskisehir, Turquie (http://www.p4certificate.anadolu.edu.tr/)
- Formation « Medical Writing »par le laboratoire Lilly. 24 Septembre 2012 Clermont-Ferrand, France (https://www.lilly.fr/)
- Dagdemir A, Durif J, Ngollo M, Bignon Y-J, Bernard-Gallon D
- Histone lysine trimethylation or acetylation can be modulated by phytoestrogen, estrogen or anti-HDAC in breast cancer cell lines.
- Journée Scientifique du CRNH-AUVERGNE Pôle Physique des Cézeaux, Clermont-Ferrand-France, 22 Novembre 2012 (poster).
- Ngollo M, Durif J, Dagdemir A, Adjakly M, Boiteux J-P, Bignon Y-J, Guy L, Bernard-Gallon D
- Etude de la marque épigénétique H3K27 triméthylée sur le silencing de gènes impliqués dans le cancer de la prostate.
- Journée Scientifique du CRNH-AUVERGNE Pôle Physique des Cézeaux, Clermont-Ferrand- France , 22 Novembre 2012 (poster).
- Judes G, Dagdemir A, Ngollo M, Karsli-Ceppioglu S, Lebert A, Penault-Llorca F, BignonYJ, Bernard-Gallon D.
- Etude des marques epigenetiques methylantes et acetylantes dans les cancers sporadiques du sein et leurs tissus sains correspondants.
- Journée Scientifique du CRNH-AUVERGNE Pôle Physique des Cézeaux, Clermont-Ferrand- France, 28 Novembre 2013 (poster).
- Dagdemir A, Judes G, Echegut M, Karsli-Ceppioglu S, Ngollo M, Penault-Llorca F, BignonYJ, Bernard-Gallon D.
- Histone Lysine Trimethylation or Acetylation Can Be Modulated by Histone Methylation Inhibitor and Anti-HDAC like Sodium Butyrate in Breast Cancer Cell Lines.
- Journée Scientifique du CRNH-AUVERGNE Pôle Physique des Cézeaux, Clermont-Ferrand- France , 28 Novembre 2013 (poster).
- Ngollo M, Dagdemir A, Penault-Llorca F, Boiteux JP, Guy L, Lebert A, Bignon YJ, Bernard-Gallon D.
- Etude Des Modıfıcatıons Post-Traductıonnelles Des Hıstones: Role De La Trımethylatıon De La Lysıne 27 De L’hıstone H3 Dans Le Cancer De La Prostate”
- 7ème Assise de Génétique, Bordeaux- France, 29-31 Janvier 2014 (poster).
- Gallon-Bernard D, Judes G, Dagdemir A , Echegut M, Karsli-Ceppioglu S, Ngollo M, Lebert A, Penault-Llorca F, Bignon Y.J.
- Histone lysine trimethylation or acetylation in sporadic breast tumor and matched normal tissue.
- Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) , San Diego-USA April 5-9, 2014 (poster).
- Dagdemir A, Judes G, Echegut M, Karsli-Ceppioglu S, Ngollo M, Penault-Llorca F, BignonYJ, Bernard-Gallon D.
- Histone Lysine Trimethylation or Acetylation Can Be Modulated by Histone Mehylation Inhibitor and Anti-HDAC Like Sodium Butyrate in Breast Cancer Cell Lines.
- Les journees de l’ecole doctorale, Clermont-Ferrand, France,12 &13 Juin 2014 (poster).
- Euroimmun Medical Laboratory Automation course, Euroimmun Academy in Luebeck-Germany, 29 June-07 July 2015.
- 1999 – 2001-ci illərdə Türkiyə Respublikası, Hacettepe University / School of Professional Health Service / Department of Audiometry
- 2001- 2007-ci illərdə Türkiyə Respublikası, Istanbul University / The Faculty of Sciences / Department of Biology (BSc)
- 2008-2010-ci illərdə Türkiyə Respublikası, Haliç University / Institute of Naturel Sciences / Moleculer Biology and Genetics (MSc)
- 2011- 2014-ci illərdə Fransa Respublikası Auvergne university (Université Clermont Auvergne) / The Faculty of Medicine / Doctoral School of Life Sciences, Health, Agronomy, Environment Genetics and Cancer (PhD)